So about 6 weeks has gone by since my last post and in some ways so much has changed and in other ways it’s all still the same. I have so much to say that this will be part 1 of 2 for my 2.5 week update.
The biggest and most changes that have happened would probably be mental. There are some physical changes but it’s mostly mental.
Like I said last post, I am super tempted. I love to eat food. I don’t care if it’s healthy or unhealthy but I love food. I haven’t had a big binge in a long time. I did have one planned cheat meal that was planned by me, not my coach.
About 4 weeks ago I got really sick. I had a temperature over 100.0 for 3 days. I was so weak and tired. I stuck to my meal plan the whole time but my coach told me to rest and load up on vitamin C. So, no workouts until my fever went away. It was hard to be so close but not workout. But it was even harder to have the strength to even take care of the 3 kids. My husband was on night shift during those few days so he couldn’t even help me much at all. Then 2 of the 3 kids got sick. The kiddo with the most energy and can destroy the house in 2 seconds is the one who didn’t get the bug! Ha, ha! Oh well, my house was a total disaster for a few days and we laid around and didn’t do much at all.
Anyway, I was so tired and weak that I really felt like my body need fuel. I knew on day 3 that I was feeling better and the next day I would most likely be over it and be up for my workouts. So I loaded up on emergin-C and essential oil for days then I had a planned cheat meal. I ate part of a burger and some fries. Afterward, I seriously felt like a new woman!!! I did amazing workouts the rest of the week. I didn’t get a fever again and I was back on track! I don’t regret it at all. I had to listen to my body and I am so glad I did.
Well, speaking of food, I have realized that if I don’t allow myself tiny, and I mean tiny, nibbles then I go overboard. So after making the kids a peanut butter sandwich I lick the little bit that’s left on the knife. I pick up a very small crumb of cookie that fell of the kids napkin on the table. I know it kinda sounds dumb. First, why would want to eat crumbs off the table or countertop? Second, why would I allow myself any nibbles at all?
Well, when my mindset is that I CAN NOT HAVE ANY _________ (fill in the blank) then I go bananas!! Like I seriously can’t stop thinking about food. When I have the little bit of flavor then I feel like it’s a treat with only taking in a small amount of extra calories. And when I say tiny I mean like the size of a dime or so. And I don’t allow this all day long. In my head I kind of think ‘well, I already had a nibble today so let’s not do it again’. I try to make 2 nibbles a day my limit.
Could I be tighter with my nutrition and totally cut out my nibbles? Probably. But honestly I would be pleased with my progress and all that I have accomplished so far. And if I took the stage tomorrow I would still be proud of myself. With that being said, I still have 2 more weeks and the last week is peak week!
Peak week is the week before the show. Everything changes. Food changes. Water intake changes. Workouts change. And most importantly the body makes some amazing changes! I am so excited for peak week and to see what my coach will have me do and what my body will look like. I will keep you posted on that for sure!
Hard to believe I’m so close!!