Is a calorie a calorie? A common, yet complicated question. By definition, yes a calorie is a calorie. A calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C. Also defined as a quantity of food capable of producing such an amount of energy. *according to So […]
Breaking a Plateau
WHAT IS A PLATEAU? According to ‘Plateaus may last a few days to a few weeks and sometimes even a few months.’ If you have a certain weight in your mind and have been dreaming of it since your baby was born and now she is 12 years old (or you are dreaming of […]
Single Digit Count Down
Well, it’s almost here. It’s almost time to face my fear of getting on stage in a tiny bikini. The getting on stage part makes me more nervous and anxious than putting on a tiny bikini. You’re probably sick of reading posts about it. And honestly, I am sick of thinking about it. It pretty […]
2.5 weeks out (part 2)
I hate that it has taken me so long to update you all. I am sure you are dying to know how life is going in the bikini/housewife world. 😉 Well, I am super busy but I am actually having fun. I look back to how life was a year ago and realize how blessed […]
2.5 weeks out (part 1)
So about 6 weeks has gone by since my last post and in some ways so much has changed and in other ways it’s all still the same. I have so much to say that this will be part 1 of 2 for my 2.5 week update. The biggest and most changes that have happened […]
8 Weeks Out Update
Today was a little rough. Actually it started last night. The kids received a basket full of name brand chocolate from my mom for Valentine’s Day. I think I wouldn’t have been tempted so much if it wasn’t really good chocolate. Like we’re talking milk chocolate with peanut butter!!! Oh man! I had one nibble […]
My Bucket List Update
I wrote a post in November announcing that I was going to chase one of my dreams (read it HERE). My dream to enter a figure competition. A lot has happened since then. So much has been going on that I haven’t even updated much on social media. I did send in my form. I […]