My daughter, Addison, just started first grade. She loves it! She is so cute and so smart…well I might be a little bias. 😉
Anyway, last year she kept telling me over and over “Mom, please buy me lunchables for my lunch!! Please!!”
I told her no way! “Those things aren’t enough food to fill you up and on top of that there is nothing healthy in there!”
She insisted that “EVERYONE brings them!”
I went to have lunch with her a few weeks later and she was wrong, not EVERYONE had a lunchable but holy smokes A LOT of kids had them! I couldn’t believe it! I am not judging what other moms send with their kids for lunch because I can relate to how busy they probably are. And I will go ahead and assume that they think they don’t have time to make a fresh healthy lunch daily.
But does that lunchable really fill those kids up?
Anyway, I convinced Addison that making our own lunchable would be totally doable! And you know what she is able to make HER own now. The work is off me! Win-Win!
She gets dressed for school, makes her bed and while I am getting breakfast ready she is making her lunch. I always check it before she puts it in her cooler. I check for a protein and a fruit or vegetable. She always has her refillable water bottle that she sometimes puts lemon or lime slices in. Then of course, she adds a dessert every chance she gets. We usually have candy leftover from a holiday, parade or party. Right now, she has candy from her birthday.
This is what we do…
We started off with buying some cheap containers. You could go to any store but this is what we ordered on-line. They are kinda cheaply made so if they ended up in the trash I wouldn’t be out much. Â But they are strong enough that I just put them in the top shelf of the dishwasher and they do fine. I haven’t ruined one yet and we have been using them almost daily since January. I purchased the 16oz, 25 pack in black but, man, I wish I saw the multi-colored ones! She would have went bananas over them!
Okay, so then we started using these silicon cups for the dividers. I found mine at TJMaxx but I am sure they can be purchased just about anywhere baking supplies are.
Here are a few of our creations:

Boarshead lunchmeat
Block cheese
Kind bar
Natural Peanut Butter to top the Kind bar
Orange (already peeled)
These aren’t as clean as I would want them but the idea is to balance fast, easy and healthier.
What are some lunch-able ideas you have? Or maybe your kids do a healthy lunch a whole other way! If so, share please!
*Lunch-able is a term I came up with (that’s probably obvious). LUNCHables made at home are doABLE! Get it? You are ABLE to make a LUNCHable at home!! Bah ha ha!