Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Like life is awesome and you wouldn’t change a thing yet it’s not really how you want it? Oxymoron right? Like, I love love love where we live, my kids, my husband, my jobs and the list goes on but I feel like my life is a mess all the time! My house usually looks like the pits in my opinion. And my schedule is a wreck. I know, there’s always someone with a cleaner house and someone with a messier house but I’m talking about MY standard. I want my house to be cleaner, tidier, more orderly. I would like my schedule to not be so nuts. I am seriously living life in about 2 hour increments. And you know what, I haven’t even turned my tax stuff into the tax guy!! Yikes!! My husband isn’t very happy with that one but he doesn’t say much about it because thank Heavens he knows that I am doing my best! I guess that’s what it’s about anyway, doing our best. I don’t know, I guess I could do better maybe but something got to give for me to do better. You know, like if I keep my house how I want it then I need to give up time somewhere else. I wish my excuse was watching too much TV or something mindless. That would be easy for me to give up! Instead I am seriously going full throttle all day long! I am wiping kids from both ends, kinda like burning a candle at both ends but way nastier!!
Okay, so this week my goal is to Regroup. Refocus. Reorganize. And actually Reverse Engineer this nuts-o life I have created! I have no idea how to do this though! ha ha!! Maybe you can help!
Here are some things I think I will need to consider:
I guess I need to be realistic about where I am with my life right now. I am in a season of being up late with feedings, dirty diapers and tears from thunderstorms. I am in a season of helping 3 kids get dressed. Washing pee soaked sheets almost every day.
I also need to consider what is most important. I would love to say that spending every moment with my children is most important, and while it is VERY important I also think keeping a clean house and being on time is very important. Those are 2 things I struggle with like you wouldn’t believe!!! I want to greatly improve on those things because I really, really, really don’t want to pass those traits on to my kids. Have you ever had to meet me for something in person? Ever? Because if you ever have you already know that I am the QUEEN of being late!! I seems like I am being selfish. Like my time is more valuable than yours but I PROMISE that’s not the case!!! I am try so very hard but I straight up SUCK at being on time!
What else do you think I need to consider? What are thing you consider when looking at your schedule and life in general?
You have probably heard me talk about the book The Best Yes. Well, Lysa has a list of things you need to think about before saying YES to anything. Does this fit physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally? She lists the areas she has to consider:
Time: Is the schedule required to meet all the demands of this opportunity in line with the time I have to invest?
Ability: Am I equipped with the necessary skills to carry out the functions of the opportunity?
Money: Can I afford the financial responsibilities that come along with the opportunity?
Passion: Does the responsibilities of this opportunity evoke a sense of dread instead of fulfillment in my heart?
Oh, and one more thing she has in the book that I totally need to take a look at right now, ‘questions to ask when determining if the expectations we’re agreeing to with this yes are really realistic or not:
-It feels thrilling to say yes to this now. But how will this yes feel two weeks, two months, and six months from now?
-Do any of the expectation stat come from this yes feel forced or frantic?
-Could any part of this yes be tied to people pleasing and allowing that desire to skew my judgement of what’s realistic and unrealistic?
-Which wise (older, grounded in God’s Word, more experienced, and more mature) people in my life think this is a good idea?
-Are there any facts I try to avoid or hide when discussing this with my wise advisors?”
Alright, share your thoughts with me please! What do you think? Any suggestions?
I feel like you do daily. I always feel one step behind where I should be. Luckily for me I DO have mindless activities that I can cut back on. But doing it is another thing. I think we both should make our priority list and work from there!